The enemy always wants to block what God is doing…but even in exile, even in bondage, even in a time when history is changing, God is still using leader and still raising up people to keep others strong. -Pastor George Chavis
Pastor George continues to tap us into the remarkable life of Nehemiah, touching on the differences of being in bondage versus being in exile, and bringing up notable leaders that God used during this time. Leaders such as Zerubbabel ( whose name purposefully means “stranger in Babylon” and “dispersion of confusion”), Ezra (whose name very strategically means “help” or “helper” in Hebrew), and Esther (whose name means “secret, hidden, or star”). This time of exile and bondage was a stressful time for many, not unlike how times are for us today in the midst of a pandemic. But we are reassured, through many testimonies in the Bible, that God’s Word is still on track and still has powerful sovereignty and authority over everything. Pastor noted that although what was going on was a time of turmoil, we must be reminded that “[God] is not limited to what you think He has, He is more than that! And those who are sold out to God know that this was a time for rebuilding and a new beginning. Hungry people are being raised, even now.”. Hallelujah!
These leaders all had a purpose of using a small vessel to make a big change, a big unexpected underdog type of change, that appeared impossible to man but with God, it was just the type of move He was very capable of making. The book of Nehemiah displayed a time when God used leaders with the intent to change history. Pastor George used this sermon as a segue to explain that what is going on around us can paralyze us from moving in the spirit and doing Kingdom work. We feel like we aren’t seen and that no matter how much we believe in Almighty God that this is just too much! I appreciated Pastor George reminding us about King David, and how a prophet, Nathan, told him he wasn’t going to be the one to build a temple because of his history of bloodshed and war. King David “ate that” and knew he was going to tell his son to do it. “That’s okay, I’m gonna get my boy to build it! David didn’t get filled up with pride!”, Pastor George said.
We don’t have to see the end result! We can’t die worrying about stuff!
-Pastor George
Selah! Wow. How many people in the Bible didn’t get to see the end result? But Glory to God that they fulfilled their end of the deal and pressed on regardless of whether or not they would see to it the success of God’s plan and promise. Pastor talked about the fire inside of this generation is a little dimmer, a little less hungry than it once was. I believe that this is something I will be saying as the decades continue on as well, but I’m so grateful that this Word brought to my attention that whether or not I see the “end result”, that my purpose to pursue God and His Kingdom and His Kingdom work is still very much so my commission. God is the only one who has the power to turn trials into blessings, so why wouldn’t we seek Him when we are going through a dark valley? Like Mordecai to Esther, as he urged her to save her people (the Jews, who were suffering from much racial hatred at this time):
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?””
God raised up Esther, an orphaned Jew, to become the Queen that would be able to save the Jews many years later. Who knew?
Praise be to God, for showing us that what it is now is not how it will always be. Pastor noted that “it's easy to ignore or not hear some of the things that God calls us to do. That’s why it is so important to be closely tuned in to God’s voice” and spend time with Him. I am continually asking God for wisdom and discernment, especially with regards to hearing His voice and not mistaking it for anything or anyone else.
I can’t finish this without sharing how blessed I was by Pastor’s prayer before he brought us the Word. This stuck out to me like a sore thumb:
May each member of this body be able to call themselves blessed.
-Pastor George
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory to God for a pastor who cares and loves us! Who prays for us and wants us to be blessed.
That’s all, my brothers and sisters. May we all seek God’s heart, and have the courage to pursue God’s commands even in a time of hardship and trials. He has never failed and He won’t start now!
With Grace and Mercies upon us all,
Greater Grace Ministries
c/o Tara Chavis