“Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. ”
The summer has come and gone- another season God is directing and it is just marvelous. God is moving in this place indeed! We have been blessed with a mighty series on holiness for the past several weeks and we can't seem to get enough of it. We have spiritually sojourned together discoveries on the postures of holiness, which are positional (the minute we are born, we are in position to be Holy), practical (this is us actually living and applying holiness in our everyday lives), and perfected holiness (which includes both positional and practical, but we achieve this in heaven). Pastor George reiterated that, “What we’re practicing will be perfected in the next realm.” Amen!
Why holiness? Why is it so significant? Well we see that God has commanded us to be holy, for He is and we are made in the image of His son. However there are many commandments that we have been called to uphold, not just the Ten Commandments. More importantly, holiness is required for intimate (total dependence on God) fellowship with God.
Pastor George went on last Wednesday September, 26 2018 at Bible Study to dig deeper with us in our understanding. We are reminded that holiness is relevant because we cannot live contrary to the Word.
“How can we push the program when we are not in His image?” -Pastor George
Some helpful applications to encourage our practical posture of holiness:
Walk with integrity. Being morally sound means what’s on the outside doesn’t impact the inside.
Do the Right Thing. This ought to be our automatic behavior! Bring a cool head to the atmosphere, put out fires, temper situations because of the Christ in us.
Don’t be offensive, whether you intend on it or not. “Abstain from the very appearance of evil, and the very God of peace will sanctify you wholly.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23
Don’t backbite- this includes any and all forms of it! Hidden sin blocks our hearing.
Pastor reminded us that we are disciplined if these things don’t happen. You can tell you’re maturing when God chases you, because He chases who He disciplines (Hebrews 12:6 and Romans 8:14).
There is so much goodness to this, and it’s been causing the Body at Greater Grace to self-examine our ways and draw nigh to God as He draws nigh to us. God Bless you all with grace and mercy.
Greater Grace c/o Tara Chavis
Photo by Zack Chavis Photography