“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.”
Pastor George preached an incredible Word about hope on Sunday July 29th. He began with a statement that had a ripple effect like that of a stone thrown in a quiet lake. "I would rather be without food than be without hope." We have to know what we know, and we have to be completely anchored by the truth that we know, otherwise, what is all of this for? We know that that the victory is already won! Do we wake up each morning and rest our heads at night in that truth? Pastor reminded us that the enemy wants you to feel like you have no way out, especially when you experience tragedy or pain or loss. We are reminded not to give up, because when we do, it means we haven't fought very much! I thank God that we are made out of tougher material, because being too sensitive gives the enemy a foothold. Pastor enlightened us how Satan can kill you silently, that he doesn't have to make a lot of noise and mettles with every single family.
It dawned on me today that strengthening our thought-life is such an imperative spiritual tool during warfare. To indeed 'keep hope alive' (Rev. Jesse James), we must practice taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Satan creates speculations and rebel thoughts that torment us. I found this anointed passage to meditate on when we know that the enemy is attacking our thoughts and our hope.
"This thought is not like God's thoughts. It is against God and His revealed will. No matter how good this thought makes me feel, or no matter how anxious it makes me feel-no matter how much I may want to act on it or worry about it- it's a thought out of hell, sent from the enemy, In Christ's authority I am going to make it my captive and dismiss it." -Tony Evans, Warfare
In Jesus's name, we declare renewed hope and a refreshed thought-life. God Bless you all!
The GGM family, c/o Tara Chavis
Photo Credit: Zack Chavis Photography