The year has flown by, seasons have come and gone, we have gained and we have lost, and the Lord has stayed faithful to his promises through it all. We are thankful to serve a promise keeping God. Today, we are highlighting some of our most recent events of fellowship at Greater Grace Ministries. The Seeds of Grace had a wonderful time at our first Hallelujah Harvest event! The evening included face painting, harvest themed arts and crafts, tons of edible treats, games and music- what more could a child ask for on a Friday night? They have worked so hard this year with learning new song and dance offerings, we knew they deserved a night of fun. The photos tell it all!
Furthermore, we have also had an incredibly blessed opportunity to support our community with the Hope Foundation World Homeless day. Members of Greater Grace Ministries demonstrated putting their hands to the plow and served our homeless community. It is our desire to be servant leaders to our community which is not only done within the confines of our church walls.
“So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”
There’s more to come! We will have photos of our annual Jail Ministry Banquet very soon. God bless you all.
With Grace and Mercy,
Greater Grace Ministries c/o Tara Chavis